Search Results for "Testosterone Transdermal Gel"

1 - 10 of 14254 Results
My husband was placed on a testosterone injection approximately 4 years ago. He did not tell me about it, keeps them hidden in his office but my point is that it's like living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The aggressive behavior keeps getting worst, it'...

I found out today mt testosterone was 216. HOLY COW ! I had asled my doctor before the results if cialis will help in getting an erection again and she said let's get blood work. What are my options now? I don't want my marriage to suffer.

my testrone level is low looking for a doctor to get medication

is there a therapy which will teach me to live without oxygen?

This morning I gave a friend a hug. He later told me he is on testosterone therapy. Apparently he applies a topical gel to his shoulder area. I am 18 wks pregnant and overly anxious about my baby's health. I googled the subject and everything I found said ...

voltaren and elderly copd patient, is it safe?

Ok... Like alot of other people my sex drive was effected a great deal while using opiates. I have 20 days clean and Im just wondering if anyone could shine some light on when it might start to get better... Any comments would be helpful and I would be ver...

I'm 24 and used to be an outgoing, energetic and happy person. My wife now says to me, "You aren't the same person I married!". I'm depressed, I'm fatigued, I have next to no libido at all (Which is what is hurting our marriage), weight gain, worsening gyn...

Hi, Male, 30 years . Married 1 and half year ago still not able to conceive my wife. Did Semen Analysis, had 78 Million/ml sperm count, but viscosity is abnormal and motility is 8% only. Got scared, sad and more stressed for three months after that went...

Hello. I'm a 39 y/o male with lost testosterone. I had some bloodwork done which revealed this and symptoms of low sex drive, fatigue, etc. My doctor put me on Android 20mg/day. I don't have insurance so I'm paying $650/mo for these pills. I was wonde...

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