11 - 20 of 86615 Posts
My doctor gave me vistaril for anxiety. It is absolutely worthless. Its like taking a placebo. It does nothing for anxiety. Im going to ask him to put me on a low dose of clonazepam (0.25 mg) for twice or three time a day. I don't see what harm this wi...

I have been on Tramadol for 5 yrs now--1 tablet dailey as needed, for low back pain. Every day that I do take a Tramadol, that night I have the hypnagogic jerks as I am starting to fall asleep. They scare me so much that I am not taking the Tramadol and am...

I was prescribed Lorazepam for anxiety last Dec.-June. (2 mg a day for 4 of 6 mo.) I became addicted & could not taper off it myself so went to a detox center. They gave me phenobarbital since I reacted to the other benzos, plus Seroquel, Vistaril, & Traz...

ive had a drinking problem for the past three years. my anxiety has gotten so bad to the point i need to drink in the morning. the only thing i drink is beer because hard liquor will make me feel a million times worse. anyway, i've recently been given the ...

My husband has full body bone pain for over 5 years now. He has been to 3 different Rheumatologists, all other specialists refered by his Doctor. He has had all testsing imaginable. His bone pain is so severe that he has pain if he crosses his legs, sit...

hello:) yesterday I seen my my doctor who prescribes me my meds for aniexty and depression. i have had problems with my anxiety being really bad this past year and he prescribed me on klonopin. so i take celexa 40 mg for depression and klonopin .5 mg 3 ti...

In January I was prescribed Vistaril for sinus congestion and nausea. If my memory serves me correctly I received 15 capsules of Hydroxyzine Pam ( 25mg). I took this medication on and off in january, april, and then again in September. About three or four ...

digging into my shoulders and back, now starting on my legs. little bumps like pimples then they scratch off and become very irritable. Sarna, Goldbond-green for itching, now on Cortizone-10 daily or 2 x daily. Benedryl at night to sleep, but what about ac...

I am so anxious over an encounter I had the first week of August. I have been stressing over thinking I could have contracted HIV. I gave oral sex to a guy and only got his precum in my mouth but spit it out immediately. We had protected intercourse thoug...

My question has to do with Vistaril and the weight gain issues that can be associated with it. On December 14, 2016, my pdoc put me on 25mg of Vistaril to be taken 3 times per day, but I wasn't getting any benefits from the medication. (I also take 60 mg...

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