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11 - 20 of 133902 Posts
I was diagnosed with IBS earlier this year. My biggest problems are severe stomach pain after eating and constipation despite a high fiber diet. My GI has recommended taking a laxative daily. Is this safe long-term?

can too much b6 cause depression?

So does this mean that there is no way to improve/increase sperm motility? Do we have to rely on IUI or IVF? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/799085'>sperm motility</a>.

Hello I think this question asked you so many times, I have son. he is 20 months old and he is still on my nursing only when he is going to sleep or in night to pacifying for few min not more than 2-3 min. I want to know that I am talking 1 day women energ...

Does anyone know for a reliable list of essential nutrients? According to some websites, currently 45 nutrients are considered essential, but there is no complete list mentioned anywhere.

I read recently something about this topic, but can't find it. Does anyone know links to this information?

My husband and I have been TTC for about 2 years now. Recently I went to my obgyn and had some blood work and other tests done. She said everything came back normal and I just need to relax and stop trying. What are some things that have worked for any of ...

skin on feet very thin...Best way to toughen the skin on feet. They hurt to walk

I am 55 years old and have papillary thyroid cancer; TT in February, 2008; RAI in March, 2008. I take 150 mcg of synthroid daily. My latest labs from February, 2009: TSH .03; Free T4 1.6; TgAB 2.2. Neck and chest metastatic survey March, 2009. ...

What is the best method of skin care for aging adults? This discussion is related to <a href=''>Jock Itch</a>.

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