21 - 30 of 111131 Posts
Hello, I am 26 years old and got a significant relief from LPR reflux after 4 years unbelieveably. The only thing that i have changed is avoiding cold food and drinks and too hot drinks 3 days ago. But i want to know why this has helped me? I havent seen ...

Any know what we can possibly take for UTI since antibiotics r out of question?

Anyone else think it's weird to see mommy's on here due in October? Lol kind of makes you feel like you're pregnant forever. I joined this site in September so it kinda makes my head spin lol


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrGw_cOgwa8&feature=related Look at Frames 1:46-1:48 So, you thought no one would ever notice? LOL

Hi There, I'm Nerie, I'm a new member here. I would like to know your assessment/ diagnosis about my daughter's case. My daughter is already two years old now, when she was 5 mos old she got hospitalized due to seizure and was diagnosed by her pedia neu...

During a normal exam of my ICD yesterday, I was told back on JUly 13th at 6AM I had gone into VF with HR over 250bpm, I was asleep and did not even know I had an occurance. Now that I have been told I am concerned about frequency. My ICD was put in 4 years...

I'm currently listening to Margaritaville ~ Jimmy Buffett (the party man... LOL!)

My daughter is sick and she takes Adderall xr 10mg can I give her pedia care muti-stymptom cold pluse acetaminophen?

what are the best ways to relieve nausea ? I've tried peppermint and ginger makes it worse ):

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