41 - 50 of 349582 Posts
I had Fentons proceedure 4 months ago and am still very sore. What can I do?

Ladies what pain relief are you planning on taking when your in labour and why.. please tell me im In early stages of labour very confused and scared. Your feed back will be great and much appreciated.

Hi, im new to this page and recently been diagnosed with genotype 1b. I dont go back to see the doctor for another month yet to get scan results and discuss treatment. I was just wanting to ask what painkillers can anyone recommend in the meantime. Im in a...

Please tell me how I can buy the most poten pain killer from your site, I have really bad lower back disc . U.S.A. D.E.A.***** they want us to use heroin, instead yhay make more money that way.

Has anyone tried kratom 1 day than another day California poppy basically alternate for chronic pain. I have legit pain was dependent on Percocet. I have tried this recently seems to be effective. But b4 45 days ago I was extremely naive about all this....

In UK gas and air is used as a form of pain relief.. but on here the other day I saw someone from the USA ask what that was.. do you guys get offered it in the country your in? Its all im planning on using! (Hopefully haha ftm here!) Just being curio...

I had numerous gall bladder attacks, two of which sent me to the hospital and I was admitted. While a patient, I was given morphine. When I was dismissed, I wasn't sent home with any pain prescriptions. My primary care physician during the attacks also ...

Hi i had Excision for left floor of mouth SCC,left neck dissection and primary closure.Iam currently taking Oxynorm 5mg every 3 hrs for the past 3 weeks with no sign of the pain getting to a bearable level.How much longer should i stay on this regime as i ...

i am a 46 yr old female from Frankfort,Ky Recently, i am having trouble with the bottom of my feet. They are very dry and have started peeling lilke they were sun burned. i have not been out in the sun since it is winter here and very cold. The skin co...

i'm currentlygoing through chronic back pain ,had a lumbar laminectomy a year ago,and a spinal fusion in a month ,the problem is my insurance doen't cover any pain relief in meds ,so is there any natural remedies i can try to help relieve some of this pain...

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