Search Results for "Tagamet"

1 - 10 of 207 Results
So I've been dealing with a horrible burning sensation in my stomach for a few weeks now. Sometimes I get really nauseous from it. I went to the dr and they gave me pills to treat an ulcer...they havent been giving me much relief. I've tried tums, maalox, ...

Hello! Everyone I started having problems in my 11th-grade year of HighSchool. My body would pass gas without my ability to stop it. My condition allows gas to just pass out of my system with no way for the Anus to stop it. It could be described as a slow ...

I've come across this too many times not to ask. Is it true that if you take 2 Tagamet HB200 pills, it will help lenghten the time methadone stays in you so your not so sick in the a.m. when detoxing? It is suppose to slow the metabolism of the liver, k...

These have been proven to work, however they may not work for everyone. It's important to convert to a diet of fruits and vegetables with at least 20 minutes of sun a day, while trying to heal yourself. It's also important to avoid alcohol and smoking. ...

2-weeks ago i went to my doctors with severe pain around my kidneys & nausea & vomitting, at first it was thought it was back pain and i was given medication and went home a few days later i was back at the doctors as both the pain and vomitting had gotten...

I was diagnosed with genital hsv 4 weeks ago. My husband has always had bad cold sores since he was a small child. We have always been mindful not to have oral sex when he was experiencing an outbreak but neither one of us new that shedding was also a risk...

I rescued a cat, he was about 3 months old, in may, he was born around the restaurant that I work at, where people drop off unwanted cats, because our owner feeds them, I believe he is inbreed and I fell in love with him. He had a hurt eye and I took him t...

Hi, I have been experiencing acid reflux and stomach pain with other stomach issues. But the most annoying seems to be a warm flushing feeling in my chest and arms when i experience reflux. Does anyone else get this symptom? Could t find anything online...

My daughter is 16 years old. She was born with congenital hypothyroidism. She was born with no thyroid glad or tissue and has been on synthroid since she was 9 days old. She has had issues with constipation over the years but no real issues. March ...

I have horrible heartburn to where I can feel burning in my throat! I took tums and they aren't helping! Any suggestions?

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