Common Questions About "Stop Smoking Because It's Not Good For You Lyrics"


Zim90, your comment was not needed.. This site it to support fellow pregnant women, not judge. Good for you for quitting, but you don't know her or her story so you have no place to judge. Try being a little more supportive next time instead of being so harsh when offering advice.

Have you tried Chantix? If you have ins go to your doctor and ask him for chantix. It's a rx designed to block the nicotine receptors. You smoke while taking the med the first week and then you stop smoking, but continue the medicine. After the first week you will notice the cravings are mental but not so much physical. You can google "chantix" and you can learn more about it. I am 30 and have smoking since 12, it's the hardest habit to break.

Hi, Smoking really is hard to stop. It took me several attempts. After I quit for good I was still patting my shirt pocket for that pack of Marlboro's for a few months. One time I quit and started again I was feeling great after a week and a buddy of mine's wife had a baby. He gave me a cigar and I smoked it but didn't inhale. That was enough to get me started again!

I know how hard it is to stop smoking. I smoked since i was 11 and quit for my kids when i was 24 and i swore i would never touch one again..hated the smell..couldnt stand been around anyone who smoked..hated seeing ppl in the street smoking. Then one night whilst on holiday with family i got very drunk and had a cigarette and from that moment i slipped back into it so easily..i smoked every day for another cpl of month and then i found out i was pregnant with baby no4.

Nine times out of ten something more important than your craving will grab your interest and you will forget about the smoke until the next trigger arrives. This will not only stop you from smoking but it will let you know what your triggers are and then you can work on doing things differently to avoid those triggers. I have quit for 9 months and 15 days and I am darn proud of myself! You can do it by just trying the things that people suggest...some will work, some will not.

wake up tomarrow and not do it.. you will be suprissed how good you feel when you make it past that goal..

This one is our favorite for those GOOD days,,, Edwin McCains song, Could not ask for more... most people will remeber it when they hear it..

What is and is not good for ur baby? I know alcohol and cigarettes but I was told weed is good.

You have to want to help yourself. This is not about you, you have a baby on the way. Do not punish the baby because you do not have self control, just stop it, it's not that hard. You have to make up in your mind to want to change, we can't make you or persuade you to do something. We can lead a person to water but we can't make them drink. I don't mean to sound harsh but you need to stop ASAP because it's no good for the baby.

i know its hard to quit, i used to smoke myself- its been almost 2years since i quit If you dont care enough about yourself to quit smoking- think about your child. is it fair for your child to have his or her time with you cut short because of your selfishness?

I did cut back alot Like maybe 3 day. I would just say just try and not smoke for as long as you can stand it then if you need one or two a day go for it. I would just cut back as much as you can. Good luck, I know its a hard thing to do!

Nicotine is a stimulant. Hence, it would increase your metabolism and cause you to lose weight, plus give you energy. You probably feel like *&*^ when you are not smoking because you've been smoking for 20 years. It's an addiction and your body is adjusting to not having the drug. I'm also assuming you enjoy smoking so you feel better when you're doing something you enjoy, right? Why don't you get assistance with quitting next group....etc.

I would get it if she would have said that she cant stop and is continuing to smoke weed, but that wasnt the case, and mostly everyone started to tell her what was up as if she was addicted and couldnt stop her weed smoking habit, not even for her baby. . Like i said, that wasnt her case at all.

I've just found out I'm 5 weeks and am really struggling to stop smoking is there anything i can use to help thats safe?

Just Google the effects of smoking while pregnant! I used to smoke also and was able to quit yes it's hard but you have already cut down so just make yourself quit!! Reading everything that it can do was enough for me! it made me feel horrible!!!

I smoke with all my kids 1st baby I stop asap once I found 2nd same thing 3rd baby stop at 3-5 months nd I'm 8 weeks now I need nd want to stop for good for baby nd myself it's hard cause I always been a smoker glad I don't smoke weed but cigarettes I need to stop immediately I need more support to quit I smoke 3 cigarettes everyday that's a lot better from a pack cause I do not buy packs nomore hoe did you guys stop if you was pregnant nd smoking any advise or help!?

Since your only 7 weeks. It's best to stop now. Smoking during pregnancy is not safe, neither is smoking after you have you baby, especially if your going to be breastfeeding. There's Ton's of information about why you should smoke while pregnant. Do alil research & youll understand why its best to quit, for your heath & your babies health. Good luck momma!

Oh honey, I truly feel for you, and hate to see you suffering. As you know by now, I don't have an issue with food even when quitting smoking, so all I can do is pray for you and hope someone will come along with a comforting idea. I would suggest walking when these urges get so strong, but far too cold for you guys there in Canada. It's that 'feeling' isn't it, where you just NEED to DO something whether it's smoke or eat, just Do Something.