21 - 30 of 182508 Posts
Interested in getting some feedback from people about what the best type of Magnesium for palps is. I know it is either Mag Taurate, Mag Citrate, or Mag Glycinate. I am leaning toward the Glycinate. Currently I take 450 mg. of Mag Oxide every day but it do...

I am 67 years old who underwent buypass surgery in 1986. So far eventless. I am taking daily after breakfast the following prescribed medicines : Enalapril-5 mg-1 tab Amlodipine-5 mg-1 tab Atenolol-50 mg-half tab Aspent-60 mg. -1 tab HCTZ-half tab. ...

was 68.5 kg in october 2015 & now is 65 kg.I am taking one tab daily.

Hi, I'm kay and hve had alot of pvc for a long time i have them every day and nite. i was told i can"t take med's to help because my puse is to low. can" have an ablatio because to dangerous cause of location of pvc. would love to hear from someone . Any i...

after 2 hours food 116.i am takinf formin 500 SR one tab daily . pls comment about this report

I just got the results of my Nuclear Stress Test conducted chemically at the VA Hosp in Charleston, SC. I was looking forward to maybe finding out why my pulse rate has always been so high, especially in the last few years. The night before the test I ...

After being on prozac since march and it killing my sex drive,my dr told me to stop it and start wellbutrin sr tommorow..plus the prozac didnt help my depresssion much...he told me it would say on the papers that come with it that it can cause seizures..b...

Hi, I’m a 26 year old having loads of vitamin problems. I am 5ft 5inches short. Weight up to 60 kg. I live in an underdeveloped country with even more under developed medical facilities available. Also, the doctors here suck. Every since my early teenage ...

I am 46 years old. I am a SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) patient since last 13 years.Before last four months, I never had more than two SVT attacks in a year. Then four months earlier, I got pulse missing problems. The doctor told me it's PVC. And t...

I am 34 years old male my weight is 99 kg and height is 180 cms 2 months before I had diagnosed Depression/GAD /Phobia so the dr prescribed me Tab: Seroxat CR one od . Tablet : Ativan 2 mg 1./2 in morning and one at night before sleep and Tablet : Inderal ...

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