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21 - 30 of 119872 Posts
Something is rotten in Denmark. The Guardian newspaper announced that Denmark has now made it a criminal offense to sell or possess Marmite, Horlick's, Ovaltine and Farley's Husks. They have instituted a ban on all so-called "fortified" foods. Big br...

What is a good pre/post- workout supplement? I am looking to tone and slim down. I haven't really seen any results at the gym since January.

does natural sugar cause any problem for a diabetic

I'm a 16 year old girl. I have Type 1 Diabetes and my sugars are under control. I was experiencing consipation and stomach cramping so I saw a GI. She told me I'm lactose intolerant so we elimated that from my life. She also put me on a high fibre diet and...

Thank God, I was able to find doc who helped me. Now I feel much more strong with less anxiety and fatigue afternoon. My treatment is mostly from high doses of concentrated liquid vitamins C and B 5 which are building blocks of adrenal function. Doc ...

I'm on my 4th baby, and my first 2 were regular vaginal delivery, my 3rd boy, was an emergency c-section, I'm almost to my due date (July 4th) and I'm trying for a vbac... kinda scared. Anyone opting for that too..?

my son has acid reflux he's now 28 month and his medications for it are domperidone x4, omeprazole x2 and infant gaviscone he's due to go into hospital for a feeding peg and his doctor has recommended having another proceedure at the same time to help with...

My wife is a stroke invalid. She has always had slow bowels--movements about every three days. Because of her stroke she can do little more than sit 24/7. Her moments have been getting further apart during the last ... four years. now ten days between mo...

I want to lose weight on Raw Vegetable Diet , While don't know if it can provide the body with all the essential nutrients to maintain health,What do you think about this Diet ?Give me some suggestions ! Thanks !!!

Your issue may be a fungal infection in your sinus which is what I have. The Mayo clinic have already studied and identified it. The steriod sprays will not do much good because they end up encouraging fungal growth. It didn't help me at all. You also have...

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