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What pain reliever is safe to take?

Pain reliever for pituitary tumors

how many hours before I can take pain reliever again for my tooth ache?

yes i would like to no what i can take for pain i have started my treatment now and my dr, said i could have one tylenol for pain it dont work. i am started treatment with low platelet in the 70s i wont to finish this. what can i take for pain that is not...

I get some bad backaches. N headaches I'm 10w3d what pain reliever is OK to take?

At 10w4d I am wondering what kind of pain reliever is safe for me to take for backaches n headaches ? I asked the Dr but he avoided the question. Please help

I took extra strength pain reliever is that bad

What can you take over the counter for pain? my son was taking Motrin and had nose bleeds ,we stopped that now takes an ocassional Tylenol 325mg 2 ,I just read people with Liver Dz that a dose of 4 to7 Gms over a course of 3-4 days can be toxic,how many is...

In mid march i experienced backpain so i went to a doctor and he gave me one injection and one tablet. And then Lockdown happened and on april 1st i noticed bloody semen discharge while masturbating first tym in my lyf. I have consulted an urologist and he...

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