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Search Results for "Dalmane"

1 - 10 of 36 Results
I read a post about dalmane and was mother, sweet soul who has never even drank, went through witdrawals during a hospital stay years ago as they were not prescribed for her during her hospitalization..No one knew what was wrong and then they ...

OK, last year I had back surgery succesfully however, I had nerve damage, within 2 day's post op I had been referred to pain management. From Vicodin 1-2 prn I was put on oxy 40mg tid, lyrica 150mg bid, dilaudid 8mg prn, MSR 5 prn and dalmane 60mg at night...

I have been using percoset 10 mg for 6 mos. lately due to a nasty breakup w my husband I have been taking 12-14 Percy's a day. My doctor prescribed me dalmane 15 mg for insomnia. I am concerned about the dalmane and I can't find info aboutt percoset and da...

As some of you might know I was in a bad accienct a couple weeks ago.Sadinmichan who is a great friend came on and told of my story.I was breaking one of my colts and he flipped over backwords on me.broke 4 ribs and my left wrist and arm. I had 30 plus day...

I have been on a range of doses of seroquel for about 3 months after being diagnosed with bipolar 1 with psychosis and terrible insomnia. Before that I tried risperdone, haldol, and lithium and had horrible side effects from each. Currently I am at 150mg s...

Does anyone get just awful stress/anxiety and hypoglycemia symptoms from your thryoid problem? Or could it be adrenal? I wake up so light headed (I do take 15 mg Dalmane - sometimes 30 mg). But right now if I don't get up in the middle of night and...

Will Klonopin cause depression? i have been on 0.5 mg. twice a day for about 7 months.Lately I feel like im in a big black hole..Im thinking the klonopin is causing it.I was splitting my pills in fourths and taking it thruout the day,a couple weeks ago i s...

Hi, I am a 42 yr old female. I had thyroid cancer 1 year ago and had a complete thryoidectomy.( also, had a complete hysterectomy in 1996 and take Estrace 1 mg.) I have been on Synthroid 112 mcg. Doctor changed my dose 2 months ago to 100mcg because I w...

I have Hep C and my bilirubin level has increased to 1.7 over the past year and a half when I was first diagnosed, up 0.9 at that time when first diagnosed. I do take 3 Lortab daily for ruptured & bulging discs but will get medicine changed to something w...

Ok my question may seem dumb but I have to ask . Is there people that actually need and take benzos that never have a problem?

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