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Search Results for "Green Tea"

1 - 10 of 36980 Results
Im 3 weeks pregnant (Not too far along) and I know caffiene isnt the best during pregnancy. Is decaf green tea ok? Or should I stay away from it Thanks

Is okay if i drink green tea during pregnancy? Just like one cup a day? I really want some...

Is it safe to drink green tea during pregnancy? Im 5 months pregnant and been wanting to drink green tea like i use to before...

i was wondering if anyone here drinks green tea? i started drinking this last week instead of so much coffee and i find my energy levels are so high lately. it could be cause spring is close, but maybe the tea has something to do with it, i'm not sure, but...

is it okay to drink green tea ? I'm 10 weeks now but before I found out I was pregnant was drinking it before workouts and I'm not sure if to keep drinking.

Is green tea safe to drink during pregnancy??

Is it safe to drink green tea when your pregnant?

I have heard this is good to help cure the lyme ? How does it help? I bought some twinings pure green tea today and have had 3 cups today

I want to know about Green tea. I saw so many Ad about Green tea. Does it actually help us to reduse to lose weight? If I take green tea after my lunch, will it help to lose my weight and help my metabolism?

whats everyone's thoughts on drinking green tea while TTC and during pregnancy?

1 - 10 of 2 Results
Millions of people are diagnosed with at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD), or infection (STI) in the United States each year.

Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, consistency and amount. If there is a change in the discharge, an infection may be present.

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