41 - 50 of 89624 Posts
Can I mix different forms of magnesium? Or is it better to use only one?

I have been getting oral thrush off and on for maybe 10/15 years. I was recently diagnosed with c-diff. Is there a possibility that these two things are associated with each other ? The c-diff has already progressed to colitis. I recently started on probio...

(Risky Exposure Unprotected Vagina Sex) Exposure : 26/04/08 1 test by oral swap : 21/05/08 (25days after exposure) Negative 2 test by Blood Test : 29/05/08 (4week after exposure) Negative 3 test by oral swap : 19/06/08 (7week after exposure) Negativ...

after 10days , my last partner got gonorrhea and identified me as the only one he gotit from after some heavy and deep fellatio sessions i did on him. i have no symptoms whatsoever until now (its the 13thday). i have never been diagnosed with clap also. wh...

I have had low alk phos since I started treatment and since side effects mimic hep c treatment I have seen others with the same issue just wanted to know how common it is Thanks

I'm in the process of doing the gallon prep for a colonoscopy tomorrow. I'm having a really hard time finishing the bottle, and was wondering if anyone had any quick suggestions. Seriously......it's making me throw up when I drink it now and I really don...

Dear all knowledgeable brothers and sisters. I got a situation 2 days ago and thus require some advices. 2 days ago, i got to know a hiv positive gayboy bottom thru a mutual friend. Somehow we get together n the next thing i know is we r making up in the ...

AST 26 ALT 52 Alkaline Phos 82 Bilirubin Total 0.6 Bilirubin Direct 0.5 Albumin 4.1 Total Protein 6.9

Hi again, I'm hoping to get some help on understanding what my most recent labs could be indicating. I've listed the results that were marked too high or too low below. Thank you in advance I appreciate the help. I was referred to a GI after my ALK PHOS...

I have sensitive teeth and gums (some recession on gums). I take a medication that gives me dry mouth but it is a necessary med. Dr. said to chew gum to help the dry mouth. Conventional gums hurt my sensitive teeth and gums, anyone know of a gum that is...

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