will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
41 - 50 of 1887 Posts
i had a kidnea stones llast year, they were that big that I had to have litroskopy done in the bath tub twice. But after rthe second one I felt like sb was kicking me. Couple mnths late I end up at emergency room thinking that i Have stones again . they to...

If you live in the Dayton area and would like more information on a FREE MS swim/exercise program that is starting Saturday, October 23, please send me a PM. I have room for more participants, if you are interested in this weekly program. be well, ...

Hi, I had stomach pain and acid reflux for the last 6 months. I was taking an antacid for the last 3 months for it twice a day. Since this was a traditional medicine based antacid, I am not sure of its chemical composition. I was asked to get a variet...

Is it normal to have heartburn after a month?

I am 35 weeks and 5 days and have been getting horrible heartburn. It will wake me up at night and I will have to end up falling asleep while sitting up. I am taking tums but they aren't really helping. Does anyone have any advice or remedies to help me ou...

since start of tx, have been getting increasingly bloated especially at night, it is very very annoying. so i thought i'd give products like Gas-X or Beano a try since both are over the counter easily available to mass market. But i just noticed that the...

Hi I am wondering if any of you have experienced chest tightness, or funny feeling in the pit of your stomach associated with withdrawals. I am on day 6 of a massive decrease in dose (i'm tapering). At about the same time everyday (before I would take th...

My husband was diagnosed with a retinal tear this morning. He has an appointment to see a retinal specialist in 7 days. I assume the laser repair will happen that day, in the doctor's office. My primary question is this: is 7 days soon enough? Is ther...

ive been worried about hiv twice in my life; the first from mid june to around early 20s october. second time, mid january of 09 till now. the first time, i had no symptoms except for night sweats lasting just 2 days and a 3 day depression. and the secon ...

Hi my daughter has spina bifida with chiari malformation. Her spina bifida isn't that severe, she can walk. Latley she has been having problems with her arms going numb and her getting dizzy. Today at the store she started looking really weird and said ...

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