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I was siagnosed about a year ago. It has been the worst diagnoses along with my death sentence of MRSA Staph infection. I thought it was a string of bad luck for me but bad luck shouldn't last my whole life or at least to what I have left. I'm on medicatio...

Does anyone take buspar with doxepin? My doctor prescribed me both and so far i have only taken the buspar. I have read taking both could cause serotonin syndrome and scared to take the doxepin. I take 15mg x 3 daily of buspar and was given 50 mg of doxepi...

Hi, my mom have red dots on legs, and they are getting to be more and more, what could it be? They are itchy. She discovered it in the morning, three days ago. Her legs were very sweat in the mornig. Could it be an alergic reaction from the pills? She use...

Hi! I have had anxiety my entire life and just about two years ago I developed chronic hives. I never had allergies of any kind in the past and now by entire body explodes in hives, my lips swell. I have been to the ER a few times. Doctors cannot find a ca...

I and many of my patients are unable to take opiate medications due to intense, long acting itching all over. Antihistamines don't help. What are some alternative oral pain meds and what can be used to stop the itching?

I have been diagnosed ...

So I've posted about how I'm coming off norco and Ambien. My rehab doctor has me on Doxepin for sleep. It is a non habit forming, non controlled medication. I believe it has anti depressant qualities. I am wondering why no one uses this and very few docs p...

Hey all, so I've been suffering with CU for 6 months now. I have seen my doctor, allergist, dermatologist, and an acupuncturist, and no one can figure out what's causing the hives. I don't physically have the hives on my body unless i put pressure somewh...

For the last past two days I've been experiencing itching and burning sensations in the vaginal region. It also occurs when I urinate. I've tried vagisil which usually works but this time it made the itching and burning worse. I don't have an odor but my d...

We just got back from a week in Cleveland for testing for my son. They confirmed POTS, autonomic neuropathy, abdominal pain, chronic nausea syndrome. They are not sure of the cause of the nausea. When they ran a 'stick' (for lack of a better word) ove...

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