Common Questions About "Valtrex Dosing Cold Sores"

Valtrex has been recognized to be useful in both Genital Herpes as well as Cold sores. However, it id not approved for suppression of Cold sores as you have asked. Therefore you may not take this drug in a such fashion. Cold sores are also known as Herpes Labialis and are caused by reactivation of latent Herpes viruses. Hope this helped. let me know if you may need any more information.

Cold sore fx and polysporin patches they make for cold sores cause then you can put a small dab of cover up on it. I rarely get them now.

At first I was getting cold sores about every 4 to 6 weeks. I then started taking 500 mg of Valtrex daily for suppression therapy. This seemed to reduce the frequency of my outbreaks to about once every 2 to 3 months. To save money, my insurance switched me to acyclovir (400 mg twice a day) with similar results as the Valtrex. Then starting about 3 months ago, I began to have outbreaks every two weeks even with the suppression therapy.

I have never had cold sores in my life. I am 12 weeks pregnant with my first child...and cold sore. Someone I talked to at work said it was a symptom of pregnancy. What the heck?? Anyone know anything about this?

i have found that cold sores go away quickly if you take lysine (you can find it in the vitamin section)

However, ever since December 2009 I have been experiencing chronic outbreaks of cold sores. I sought medical attention this past February and was put on Valtrex. I noticed that the sores were getting more severe around the time of my period. Several doctors told me that going on a low hormone birth control (ortho tri cyclen lo) would be the solution. It has definitely decreased the severity of the sores during the time of my period.

( It barely got FDA approval to say it is and only speeds healing less than a day sooner than using a placebo. Not worth the money they charge for that teeny tube and besides the valtrex will take care of it for you.

So I asked her about it (via instant message - is that bad?). She said she gets cold sores sometimes, and the Valtrex gets rid of them quickly. Indeed I remembered that the empty bottle was for a seven-day dosage. But in all of the times that I've seen her, I never noticed a cold sore. Of course, she didn't have any sores anywhere else on her body either.

I have a lot of friends and family with cold sores, and none of them have ever gone this long with persistent recurrences. Maybe I'm an exception, but I feel that I'm healthy enough to warrant investigating further possibilities....I just don't know what they may be?? Could this be something bacterial? If the swab comes back positive, should I keep up this neverending wait? Try new medicine?

I am wondering if while I am on this it would also prevent an oral herpes outbreak? I am not sure if I even get cold sores, however I often do get sores on the hard palate of my mouth and I wonder if they could be herpes, since they usually occur in the same location. Thank you.

It really sounds like a cold sore, which is a form of herpes. although I am impressed your doctor didn't already know this. Does it always come to the same area of your lip? Ask your doctor about cold sores. If it's that, then you need a prescription of Valtrex or Zovirax to keep them from showing up. Also, don't be embarrassed. 95% of the world population is exposed to herpes by the time they are 18, and 30% of them get cold sores. Annoying and ugly, but very common.

1) I have the beginnings of a cold sore on the lip. For Valacyclovir and Valtrex the recommended dosage is 2000mg every 12 of 4000mg in 24 hours. I have 2000mg of Valtrex and 2000mg Valacyclovir from prior outbreaks. Can I take them together for the some effect? Or do I need to take the 4000mg total dose with the same drug? 2) I am getting cold sores on the lip up to 3 times a year. There is no common catalyst. Each outbreak if not treated early is as severe as all the rest.

Cold urticaria and cold sores are totally different things. As you know, cold urticaria is caused by a reaction to cold exposure, but cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex type 1 (hsv1) virus. Hsv1 can be triggered by lots of things, including other illnesses and cold. So while they aren't related, they might be triggered by the same things.

I have had horrible cold sores for 14 years. B4 that, nothing. My initial outbreak was on my nose. Huge blister massive facial swelling that led to hospitalization for a month and diagnosed with herpes encephalitis. Since then only massive blisters, size of a plum. Cannot see shape of nose. When out brake frms on my lip it's so large it swells to the bottom of my chin. B4 I would have an out brake once a year, now it's almost every month.

I've had cold sores almost my whole pregnancy my doctor prescribed me valtrex and it helps somewhat but I also use abriva.

Ask your doctor about a rx called valtrex. You can take it daily to prevent cold sores and also just when they break out as well. Safe to use while pregnancy, per my doc. It's safer to be cold sore free than to pass the virus to your baby.

I have had several outbreaks since then, but they were all pretty minor (1-2 sores). I was taking Valtrex daily for about a month and a half, but I developed what appeared to be cystic acne the whole time I was on it. As soon as I stopped, my skin cleared up, but I had another outbreak, so I went back on it and my skin started to break out again. I've never read anything about that being a side effect, but it was the only explanation.

I have taken Valtrex and have used nearly an entire tube of Denavir on my lips. What is a common plan B for treating persistant cold sores once Valtrex and Denavir do not produce the desired results? Thanks for all of your help.

Definitely follow up on this - don't just assume it's cold sores going on.

Yeah, they definetely help with outbreaks. I had a nasty inital cold sore outbreak, with like 10 sores at a time, laster two weeks, and the older ones actually got infected with a secondary bacterial infection. So definetely get some antivirals if this is your first sore.

Canker Sores are sometimes confused with Cold Sores, but the two are not related. Cold Sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) viruses (Herpesviridae). While nothing direct, there is a relationship between higher HSV-6 titers in the CSF of MS patients than non-MS controls, and there appears to be a higher titer of HSV-6 in people who report less of activity of HSV-1. I know none of this has to do with "canker sores.

If I stop taking Valtrex will that cause outbreaks now that I've been on it for a month?! Also, he has not been tested but he doesn't ever get cold sores.. That's why I am so confused!

How many people on this site have FM and Epstein Bar (cold sores in your mouth)? I have had cold sores my whole life-especially when I'm stressed and been in physical pain since I was thirteen (I'm thirty-eight now.)( actually I have found eating green beans gets rid of the cold-sores-besides the point.

About 35 yrs ago I started getting cold sores and they were horrible. It caused my lip to swell and become distorted and would last about 2-3 wks. I read an article about sun uv light triggering it and decided to get lip balm w/an spf of 45 (hawaiian tropic) I put that on my lips at least 30 min before i leave the house to get absorbed in and might reapply a few times a day. I now only get cold sores maybe once every 5-6 yrs.