21 - 30 of 1212007 Posts
Hi. Ilm a 20 year old female. 3 days ago I started having pains in my stomach. They keep getting worse so much that it'll wake me up outta a dead sleep. The pain its constint. I also get dizzy, nauseaus, And very weak. Just today I. Started having watery d...

my 9 year old has had these symptoms since he has been around 4. Every few months he will get a fever or be very hot, very pale, sore joints, very weak, vomiting. It's like he just gets run down. About 24 hours or so later he is usually fine.. I have m...

We were told my grandson who just turned three this month is having thyroid issues and was put on pedisure. They said it could clear up in a months time. My grandson doesn't live with his mother and the paternal grandparents have played head games with h...

i know its the wrong forum but it seems to me no one responds at the right forum for this question so ill ask the parents here for advice. my 3 year old last night had temp and hallucinations he thought there were bugs on the furniture among other strange ...

I have a 4 year old daughter who abruptly awakens from her sleep vomiting. It started back in september 2011 I want to say. It began as maybe a once a month issue to twice another and progressively became more frequent to the point it has happened 3 times ...

My 3 year old daughter woke up 2 nights after 3am saying ants were on her, in her bed, everywhere. She was very difficult to console and it took at least an hour to get her back to sleep. (She had been playing with her 4 year old cousin who always brings ...

My 4 year old woke up Tuesday morning vomiting with a fever. Throughout the day she continuously complained of pain in her lower right abdomen but my husband said that it would be worse if it was her appendix. By 7pm she was vomiting bloody foam so I took ...

my 5 year old had a slight fever at 101 on Wed. We picked him up from school. Then he started to have a rash around his mouth on that night, slight pink/almost not visible to naked eye tiny bumps. The next morning it spread around his face, then throughout...

During my 8 year old daughter's wellness check, it was discovered that she had a fever. She has always been healthy and the kids who I could look at and know if she had any fever. The week prior to this, she had what I thought was a stomach virus and vom...

what are the best medicine for fever for 1 year old baby?

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