61 - 70 of 21657 Posts
Apparently, my Plantar Faciitis may have been caused by my weight gain. Before, My max weight was 230 lbs. a couple years back I was 200 when I dieted for two and a half months (I lost 30 lbs, went from 230 to 200.) I just ate oatmeal for breakfast, small ...

Any ideas or suggestions? I have chronic asthma since birth (born 2 months early). However, the past three weeks have been horrible. My life has been put on hold. I have been experiencing chest pain; wheezing;fatigue;shortness of breath with a low grade fe...

I'm 30 and was virgin till my marriage. I get excited when my wife is dressed and get erection(if i may use a hard-on) but as soon as we get undressed to consumate, i loose my erection. I have had sex with her using Sildenafil tablets but they also doesn't...

I am in chronic pain in mriedy neck and my right shoulder. tried everything and now at the point of getting surgery. I have to wait for the results for the updated MRI. I had MRI done in 2006, showed bulging and herdiac disc. I am hurting and in lots lo...

Dear Drs., I have tested for HIV with a home-test kit and it turned out to be negative. However, during the procedure I think the 'developer solution'(buffer sloution?) have touched my finger-pricked area. I am worried this might be bad for me. Will I be...

I bought a hiv home test kit and it came with all the contents but the buffer bottle is empty and no info on the solution thats should be in the bottle....Is it water does anyone know?

No sense in reiterating my symtoms, they're the same as everyone above. Here are some facts to my condition: - I have not had it all their life, I know I acquired it sometime around the age of 18 or 19. - It ONLY happens after consuming alcohol, th...

i would like to ask hat night be the solution to eradicate the dark part of the vagina. When i saw it, its not good to see..because i think it was blackened because of itching...is there possible solution to bring it back to its color.

Losing weight nightmare!! by Positivevibes, 1 minute Hi I'm a 30 yr old female. My height is 5'2" and I weigh 71 kgs. I have been overweight since I was 14 yrs after I started to get periods but I've had phases of weight loss on and off esp during th...

forget your all past think that now was me nd live your new live alllways thought people never ever allergic to you forgat the past ..coz your past bring you present

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