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1 - 10 of 1160 Posts
I've been posting more than normal as my conditions have gone backwards in recent weeks. My apologizes for so many questions, but I am really getting "out there" with all this. Bottom line: Have been taking Bicillin shots for about 6 months. Took Nysta...

This fourum seems to get some great responses. I'm glad I found this place. I'm a 37 years old female. I've recently had intercourse ( about three weeks ago) with a 34 year old gentleman who is promiscuous. We used condoms for vaginal sex, but did...

I recently went to a Urologist as I was having problems with an over-active-bladder and some incontinence. Upon examination, the doctor noted i had a tight foreskin on my penis and a yeast infection. He gave me a prescription for Nystatin to apply to the...

Have any of you had oral thrush while pregnant and had to take liquid nystatin? Did it cause any harm to the baby? It bothers me having to take an antibiotic while pregnant :-( Thanks.

Hello there, 28 year old male here, shower daily! I am 6 ft and 189 lbs. I don't consider myself overweight. I have had very itchy testicles, from my scrotum to my testicles and a little on my buttocks. I started using an anti-fungal cream, however, ...

I took my son to his doctor due to redness and itching on the head of his penis. His doctor said he has a fungus and was prescribed Nystatin. My concern is while Nystatin does appear to clear the fungus as soon as I stop applying the cream it recurs with...

I was recently diagnosed with a fungal infection. ( I am a 21 year old male). I was prescribed Nystatin Cream. I was told to use it up to 3 times daily, for two weeks. What should I expect from this cream? How will I know it is healing? Will the skin peel?...

My 3 week old got thrush and his pedi prescribes Nysatin for him,ut after taking it for 3 days it seems like no progress has been made and it also makes him throw up. My mom told me about Gentian violet and I was wondering if any of you guy's ever used it ...

Hi Doctor, I was prescribed antibiotics in november 2010. Soon after, I developed a yellowish/whitish coating on my tongue. I went to see a demonologist and was told it was oral thursh (I have not had this before). I was prescribed various mouthwashes a...

I am very sure that I have developed a lovely case of thrush. I have no way of getting to my doc today. Is there anything that she can call in to my pharmacy? Until then, is there any advice for pain relief? Also, how to I prevent it from returning?

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