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31 - 40 of 651542 Posts
My husband was diagnosed with a astrocytoma brain tumor in 1996. At that time they resected the tumor and was given radiation treatment. In 2009 he had a recurrence of the brain tumor which was a stage 4 glioma brain tumor. He was given chemo treatmen...

My husband has been diagnosed with Agent Orange, having been in Viet Nam 1968-69. Now my 4 year old granddaughter has been diagnosed with pediatric rheumatiod arthritis. I just read that it could be something handed down from her grandfather who had Age...

I am a Vetnam Vet with exposure to Agent Orange. About ten yeards I was diagnosed by the VA with artial fibriliation. In 2005, I went to the VA for a Agent Orange Registration Examination and I received notificastion that abnomalities were found. The AO...

so . for the past 2 days, ive been noticing that ive been pooping and peeing orange . not a bright orange , but orange none-the-less . i looked everywhere for an answer , but nowhere seems to have any idea . and the only places that do , arnt telling me mu...

I am a 50 year old female with an itchy skin problem. Problem is, when I scratch, my skin form whelps. Wherever I scratch, within seconds a whelp will appear. What could be the cause of the itchy skin and whelps?

Another thing I was wondering, can ischemic heart disease trigger, swollen feet and ankles too? Many thanks,

More than 15 years ago, I was diagnosed (by a general doctor) with Acid Refulx & he prescribed the purple pill for me that one time. Not an on-going prescription. Went to him cuz felt something in back of throat and he did endoscopy to make sure it was n...

I am a Viet Nam veteran that has Type II diabetes and sleep apena. The V. A has given me a disability for diabetes caused by exposure to agent orange. My question is in your opinion could my diabetes have caused the sleep apena?

I am 56 year old woman who was diagnoised with COPD 10 years ago. I am not taking any oral steroids at this time. I use Duo Neb Inhalation 2 times per day and oxygen on 2 L continously. The Pulmonary Doctor keeps having me try to use Advair but I get t...

I have had chronic throat congestion for almost 2 years now. I have had a scope through nose and cat scan to rule out no damage that would be keeping this in my throat. I have taken med give by MD as well as allergy meds OTC. I need help.. What can I d...

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