31 - 40 of 181466 Posts
Untreated how long does it take for hep B and hep C to cause liver cirrhosis, if infected at same time.

I think I am Hypothyroid even though the TSH said I wasnt I have the classic symptoms, what are there if any in the way of Natural remedies and supplements.

i recently checked my vitamin B12 its 235.1 ref range (200-1100) ,i have memory impairement,vission impairment,no sex drive heavyness in head difficult watching tv?is this syptoms are due to my B12 level because i am taking 1500 mcg methylcobalamin.please ...

Hello, I've read from alternative doctors that underneath ADHD, panic attacks, CFS, etc. is an adrenal problem and that after treatment, these problems have gone away. I'd like to know what protocols and supplements have been used in rebuilding the A...

Thank you for reading and responding. I am new to this community. My problem/diagnosis and questions are: I was just diagnosed with a complex ovarian cyst on my right ovary, at 3 cm, via an ultrasound. I had the ultrasound b/c I was very tired (exhau...

hcv and Morphine is there any side effects, what is the reccomended pain medication, for severe pain from side effects of disease and post trmt.

hey everyone! well i am on my 9th or 10th day of 0 vicodin. but i still feel blah and no energy! i have been taking my vitamins like a good girl. but sheesh!! any ideas? going nuts! its like i can't find myself yet...? krysta

Why does my 4 year old son not like to have a bowel movement?

The doctor said that my son has been adhd and he took ritalin when he was 9 to 12 years old. Then the doctor changed to 18 mg concerta. Even the medication makes a progress to him, but he has a lot of exam at school, he needs a lot of sleep, so that he can...

I was diagnosed with High a risk HPV 8 months ago. The doctor said I didn't need to do nothing because it usually clears up on its own. Oooh too bad I listen and didn't started doing something on time. I'm a 28 yr old female. Based on other testimonies I...

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