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Common Questions About "Ovarian Cysts In Dairy Cows"

I couldn't drink cows milk or eat yougurt when i was pregnant with my daughter it got stuck in my throat was hard to swallow. I had to eat drink all soya milk and stuff. Pregnant now with a boy and been drinking milk all the way thru with no problems. Try soya milk instead of cows.

I have heard that consuming large amounts of dairy produce plays a part in the formation of ovarian cysts . There was a study done in Sweden about it, apparently drinking more than 2 glasses of milk a day or equivalents yoghurt, cheese etc can increase you chances of developing ovarian cysts . I do not know how much weight this discovery carries but it seems that if its not this then its that that we should avoid so a balanced diet seems more sensible to me.

You can still bf if baby has an intolerance by avoiding dairy in your diet. Your milk is very different from cows milk. The baby would exhibit reflux, rashes, or bloody stool if it has an allergy or intolerance.

Yes cysts usually go away on their own and some do not cause any symptoms. Now there are some cysts that get larger, cause pain, irregular cycles, those are the ones your gyno would keep an eye on. Surgery is sometimes used for problematic cysts, but most are on a "wait & see" approach. Some gyno will use BC pills to get them to go away. What did your doctor recommend?

I have heard of this happening with hormonal imbalances that somehow clog the ducts in your breasts, or benign cysts (not cancerous). Have you done a self- exam and felt any lumps? Either way, they will have to perform some diagnostics b/c these blockages can be really tiny. As you said, only a doctor can tell you for certain, but there is no sense worrying until then. I wish I knew more :-) Hang in there, babe.

I am trying to explore natural remedies for healing ovarian cysts..I have one (2.6 cm by 3.4 cm) on my left ovary and my Dr is suggesting birth control pills.. anyone heard of any herbs or food items to shrink cysts? Thanks!!

Yes they did do an ultrasound and bloodwork. They actually did it 2 months in a row. I did at the time have the cysts, but they were normal in size and different both times. That does make sense with the salt and sugar, I do find myself eating more of that too. Thanks again.

But giving up all dairy products is just smart. All dairy cows produce a lot of estrogen just to produce milk. Forget the fact that they are given de-wormers, antibiotics, growth hormones and such. And animal estrogen isn't a good thing. Then there comes the debate about phytoestrogens in plants. Soy for instance .... so many studies and so many different answers! Keep everything in moderation and you will do well. I actually take a drug called neurontin for hot flashes.

It just happens to some people.....

However, the allergens in milk from goats and sheep are very similar to those in cows’ milk. This means that someone with a cows’ milk allergy might react to these other types of milk as well.Confirmation that your baby will react to these products or not can be done only after blood tests. Hope it helps.If you have any additional queries,then pls post us. Take care and regards.

However, the allergens in milk from goats and sheep are very similar to those in cows’ milk. This means that someone with a cows’ milk allergy might react to these other types of milk as well, so goat’s and sheep milk aren’t suitable alternatives for people who are sensitive to cows’ milk.

Ok yes cows are pregnant for 9 months - I have worked with more dairy cows but after calving they come into heat in 21 days so each month. I think that their quality of feed does impact their conception rate but I am not sure if it has anything to do with if they are cycling on a normal schedual. Keep tract of their heats or synch them to make sure they are being bred @ the proper times.

I used to drink raw but now that I am pregnant I do NOT. It is a very big risk since raw milk is not pasturized. So anything that may have been transferred from the cow or the hands that process will go into your milk, then belly then baby. I have a fertility doctor, doula, mid wife AND Chinese herbal acupuncturist....I kid you not...ALL said absolutely no unpasteurized anything. Super important things are pasturized.

Ok so my pelvic area feels ok now still a little achey though. Do ovarian cysts cause sharp jolting pain to my backside. Does this sound like an ovarian cyst? For any ladies that have had them what were ur symptoms? On a scale of 1 to 10 what would u rate ur pain? The other day mine was about a 12! I was bawling my eyes out! I do have PCOS (diagnosed last yr) BUT I have never had a cyst before.

I have always read that cats should not have cows milk because they are lactose intolerant and it can give them gas and a bad tummy. Because of this I have not given my cat Smudge milk. However he is loathe to drink water. I leave a bowl in garden and it catches rain water, which I know he prefers as often he drinks out of the bird bath in my garden!! What are people's views on this?

I have spent days looking all over the Web for answers to how i am feeling and here is the only place i have felt "normal"....whatever that is. I'm not sure where to start or if i'm even in the right place but any input will help. Basicly i have had female problems my whole life. My history is this: I'm 41 married with 2 kids dx with endometriosis at age 20 Poly cystic overian syndrome at age 33 Hysto at age 34....kept ovaries and tubes GI issues for............

Anechoic cysts tend to be filled with fluid so that is a good sign. Cysts related to ovarian cancer tend to be complex (with solid parts) and grow larger than 5cm. Most cysts (even complex ones) turn out to be benign. It is the general recommendation to watch and wait cysts that are simple and under 5cm. But, since your cyst is already 4.1 cm., I can see why your doctor has mentioned surgery as a possibility. It is possible for your cyst to go away on its own in time.

Good healthy fats include fish oil, flax, tropical oils such as coconut oil, avacados, and (believe it or not) real butter from pasture raised cows which is high in vitamins A, D, and K; and CLAs with is a good cholesterol that helps your baby's developing eyes and brain, but can only be found in butter from cows that have been fed grass (so not your store brand butter. Try Organic Valley.

does having hemorragic cysts in menopause increase your chances of having ovarian cancer?They seem to stay on for about 8 months then burst.

Ovarian cysts can also cause an excess of gas. If adjusting your diet as above does not help you might want to check that out. Other symptoms might include bloating, abdominal pain, sciatica like pain, breast pain, back pain, weight gain, urinary urgency or period timing issues.

I went to my primary who thought it was appendicitis on examination even though I mentioned a history of ovarian cysts in my mother, and my aunt died of cancer. The doctor sent me to the emergency room. I underwent a CT scan (which was "normal") and an ultrasound. (I never got the reports.) The ultrasound tech said that it was difficult to "see anything." She said that there was so much contrast from the CT that she could not see my ovaries.

Then in June 2009, I had the left ovary and fallopian tube removed laproscopically, due to ovarian cysts. The bowel was also cut since there was bowel adhesion. I avoid getting constipated since the bowel was interfered with so I take 1 Soflax to ensure that I pass a stool. My tummy works in much the same way as before, sometimes normal, sometimes diarhoea.

I have been to the ER where I was told it was from ovarian cysts (they burst on there own and the pain continued). I have been to my primary Doctor where I was diagnosed with IBS and was given prescriptions to help with the pain (Didn't work). I have also been to a specialist (gastro) who only told me to see a therapist to deal with the pain. It's gotten to the point where I don't even see a point in going to the doctors anymore for it.

My son has had eczema since he was a couple of months old but we didnt see any signs of allergy until i stopped breastfeeding him and he had breathing problems , when we had him tested we found he had allergies from many foods like garlic, lemons, oranges, grapes, sunflower seeds and oil, olives and olive oil, peaches, apples, lobster, cheeses , and cows milk but yoghurt is ok and chocolate so some things with cows milk were fine, we could give him some of these foods in moderation and not more